
Hello! And welcome to my little corner of the internet – a retreat I like to call Kitchen Konfidential.

My name is Alicia, my sisters call me Leesh, but one thing everyone knows to call me is a ‘foodie’. I have had a long-term love affair with food, the kitchen, and all its components since my memories first started. Playing with pots and pans as a baby was my first introduction to the kitchen…and from there on, I was hooked! Sitting in the kitchen and watching my mom cook with her mother is one of my first (and most dear) memories.  

Flash forward twenty-something years to today. Cooking and being in the kitchen is not only my therapy, but my comfort and joy. Whether it’s a quick and easy weeknight meal or a multi-course dinner party, I couldn’t be happier. Ask me to whip up some crazy concoction and I’m excited. As George Bernard Shaw said – ” There is no sincerer love than the love of food” – it’s the little things in life that bring out the happiness in people, and for me, that is cooking.

I started this blog to not only to keep record of my kitchen creations – a digital “recipe scrapbook”, if you will – but to share my secrets, inspirations, and tricks that I’ve picked up on over the years. I’ve developed a true passion for creating twists on old classics, and molding them to fit our lifestyle. You’ll find me using ingredients in ways that may leave you scratching your head, but I promise the end result will always be delicious, scrumptious, and leave you wanting more.

Bon appetit!


34 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Alicia
    I have nominated you and your blog, for the Liebster Award!
    Please know that participation in purely optional, no hard feelings or unfollowings on my end! I do not expect any action to be taken, or for you to generate a post [unless you wish to pass on the award nominations]. Promise :)
    You can pick up your badge and information/rules on how to pass on the award at: http://feastingwithfriendsblog.com/2014/03/23/award-acceptance-wishing-for-spring/

  2. Hi Alicia. Thanks for following my blog and letting me find yours. You have some great recipes, and I am intrigued by all the wonderful drinks you have created. So nice to have met you.

  3. Pingback: Friday Five - Windy City Blogger CollectiveWindy City Blogger Collective

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